Detailed information about what the annual fees include can be found here.

Annual fees listed below exclude VAT which will be charged at the appropriate rate.

Providers either pay an annual Stage 1 fee, or an annual Stage 2 fee. Payments may be made by quarterly direct debits.

Stage 1 is defined as being from registration and to the sign-off by the provider of their self-assessment.
Stage 2 is defined as the period after self-assessment sign-off, and includes the accreditation e-visit, post-accreditation feedback and, for accredited services, ongoing accreditation and annual review. 

Service type Number of sites Stage 1 annual fee Stage 2 annual fee
Single-handed provider 1 £250 £250
Small service 1-6 £1200 £2400
Large service 7+ £2000 £3300

 * Unless providing OH services to 145,000 or more workers, in which case a service would be considered a ‘large service’. 

Definition of a single-handed provider

A single-handed provider is any OH physician or practitioner who operates independently as a peripatetic service or as a service with offices. They may have access to an identified occupational physician, listed on the GMC specialist register, including for advice or the escalation of cases and have administrative support but do not employ directly or contract any other clinical or technical staff. This definition does not apply to single-handed providers who outsource large multiple contracts or work to networks or third party providers, other than for their own reasonable holiday cover. Between 6 to 8 weeks’ of annual leave is considered reasonable.

Definition of a site

A site is defined as a facility which a service uses to conduct its business. This should not include any client offices which a service works from, and should only include the facilities that the service is directly responsible for. It would be expected that the service’s branding or name is on signage on the outside of the facility, and that the service owns or pays a lease for its use. A mobile unit is considered to be a site.


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The Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) is the professional and educational body for occupational medicine in the UK and seeks to ensure the highest standards of practice.